WhatsUpp Viewers~
Today's the last day in the month of March, and I am so ready for the start of April.
Basically, my mood tells me to blog alittle something.
Yesterday night I was watching some videos by a Youtuber: JacksGap and a video just caught my attention till today I am thinking about it.
I decided to pen it down to also share it with people who is reading my blog.
Some inspirational words that all of us need in finding your own passion.
If you're lost in the midst of doing your everyday routine,
you need someone to bring you back to track,
then you should watch this video.
The video of ' Words Of Wisdown: Casey Neistat',
This man is someone with full of passion in making movie.
Some context about him that I've read it in some website sources, he was born and raised in New London, Connecticut.
He comes from a simple family background, and wash dishes for his living.
After watching this short video clip,
I have got some take away from a quote he says
' I always make a living to make movie, I never make movies to make a living.'
' If the reason why you doing anything for you is to make a living then you're doing it wrong, you get into it is because its true passion, its something you really believe it.'
If this quote has also quote your attention, can view the full video here
It's really inspiring for teenagers like me that is somewhat lost in finding back my passion..
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